Foundation Words Symbol Set (EW symbols)

Using Emotion characters and symbols for Emotion Word learning

In this guide we provide vocabulary teaching tips for developing and expanding the foundation words and language required to develop an early understanding of the first 5 emotion cogs. Includes…Suggestions for differentiating early level learning conversations across the different cog conceptsInformation about keeping the different cog concepts ‘in mind’ to help identify words, symbols, questions, […]

Floorbooks & Emotion Displays as a focus for Early Level ‘cog’ conversations

In this article we share a super practice example from one of our Highland ELC settings who used a floorbook and interactive display approach over a series of weeks to help structure learning activities and conversations with their children about emotions.A different aspect of emotional language was focused on each week which you’ll see captured […]

Emotion Works and Euro 2020/21 Ideas

‘Coggle’ Activity Analysis Tool – electronic version

Progression Overview

4 cog framework for Early Level Conversations

Emotion Works @ Treetop Family Nurture Centre

Exploring Body Sensations using the playground cogs

Lego Colour Monsters

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