In My Heart – A vocabulary planning example across all Emotion Works levels

In this article we demonstrate how the Vocabulary Planning Tool can be useful for informing ‘Word Works’ vocabulary teaching across the different levels of the Emotion Works programme. First of all, here’s a planning tool completed for the Story Book ‘In my Heart – a book of feelings’ by Jo Witek. This one is very […]

Word Works Activity Ideas

Word Works activities help reinforce and expand the vocabulary associated with each of the first 6 emotion cogs. When taking a closer look at each cog, plan at least 1 Word Works activity suitable for your group to help your pupils become more familiar with and develop vocabulary relating to the cog you’re focusing on.Remember to […]

Cognifying Glasses to help look out for Cog-specific content

Using a ‘cognifying glass’ for Emotion Word-spotting This is an idea first shared by a nurture teacher in West Lothian a few years ago which she said was inspired by our ‘coggles’ idea.Since sharing on our members website the idea of helping pupils focus in on a cog through a coloured lens has become a […]

Picture Books – supporting young children to engage with stories using EW symbol prompts

Symbol prompts are a big feature of the Emotion Works approach at Early level. On this page we’ll be gathering and sharing examples of how you can use symbols in your Emotion Works lessons in two main ways:To help children learn and practice using new words – (Nursery / Early Years, ASN settings where pupils […]

Creating Cog posters, displays and other talking points

This article provides examples of different ways that teachers and pupils can engage in lots of listening and talking activities about each of the emotion cogs and to share the learning in posters, displays, class books and other talking points. Cog Wall Displays or Pages in a Class Book Whether learning about  the 5-part, 6-part […]

Using Emotion characters and symbols for Emotion Word learning

In this guide we provide vocabulary teaching tips for developing and expanding the foundation words and language required to develop an early understanding of the first 5 emotion cogs. Includes…Suggestions for differentiating early level learning conversations across the different cog conceptsInformation about keeping the different cog concepts ‘in mind’ to help identify words, symbols, questions, […]

Floorbooks & Emotion Displays as a focus for Early Level ‘cog’ conversations

In this article we share a super practice example from one of our Highland ELC settings who used a floorbook and interactive display approach over a series of weeks to help structure learning activities and conversations with their children about emotions.A different aspect of emotional language was focused on each week which you’ll see captured […]

1-cog-at-a-time booklets in practice

Our 1-cog-at-a-time booklets are a popular resource for teachers taking a cog-by-cog approach to introducing EW. They can be used in follow-up activities after a lesson to demonstrating learning about each cog for example… writing a definition and adding a list of words relating to each cog. To create a booklet for each pupil, select […]

An inspiring practice share of picture books with art & craft ideas

Exploring the Purple Influences Cog

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