To arrange a meeting to discuss buying a bespoke package for your school, nursery, service or cluster, please see below
We’ve been offering a Bespoke Primary School Package for some time now which has been popular with schools that have a slightly different set up to the norm, or who have asked us to create a package for them within a fixed budget.
You can see how this ‘Pick and Mix’ approach works using the cost breakdown pictured.
A similar cost breakdown is now being developed for Nursery / ELC settings, Secondary departments, ASN provisions and Outreach services and we are hoping to have the purchase process fully online after the Summer.
In the meantime (and particularly if you’d like to take advantage of our Back to School Sale running throughout August) we would be very happy to provide a Bespoke Quote for your school, setting or service via an online meeting, phonecall or by email if you prefer.
Personal Meeting Request
If you’d like to arrange a meeting on Microsoft Teams to help you work out a potential package cost for your school, nursery, service or cluster please complete the form below and we’ll get back to you very soon.
Please feel free to give us a call on
0131 669 1122 (Monday – Thurs)
or email us on with information about your school, setting or service and we’ll send you the links and information you’ll need.
To arrange a meeting to discuss buying a package for your school or cluster, please see below
Primary Package Prices & Features
We offer a a range of membership and resource packages based on the size of your Primary School and number of classes requiring hard copy resources.
You can then choose between Basic or Premium level resources, and decide whether you’d like to purchase 1, 2 or 3 years membership.
Membership includes a platform of online training, digital resources and teaching ideas as well as access to our Practice Support service for the duration of your membership.
The features of each of our standard packages are summarised here, with resource information shown on slides 2-4.
Slide 1 is from our Primary Packages flyer which can be downloaded here
Our new Bespoke Packages offer a ‘Pick & Mix’ purchase model that allows Schools to choose between the different features of our Standard packages – specifically the length of your membership and the level of resources you wish to purchase.
To help you cost up a package for your own school, here’s a price breakdown of the different features.
If there are other schools in your school community who would like to purchase at the same time as you, the following savings apply depending on how many of you sign up together:
- 10% off per school when 2 or 3 schools buy together
- 20% off per school when 4-6 schools buy together
- 30% off per school when 7 or more schools buy together
This offer applies to our Bespoke ‘Pick & Mix’ packages as well as our Standard Packages.

As part of our ongoing support service, we provide complimentary online training for Members and our August Inservice Sessions are always very popular.
This year Claire will be delivering 3 x Sessions on the 14th and 15th August.
Session 1 ‘Starting Out on your Emotion Works Journey’ is a perfect Introductory Training for new schools, which can also be followed up with Session 2 (1 Cog-at-a-time Roll-out) the same day. Alternatively, you could come back to watching the Session 2 recording at a later date.
1. Choice of Training Sessions for School Leads:
Claire Murray, creator of the Emotion Works Programme, will be delivering 1 ONLINE and 1 FACE-TO-FACE training session (at the Emotion Works classroom in Edinburgh) to help familiarise School Leads with everything needed to co-ordinate the implementation of Emotion Works across the Primary School up to the Silver School Award Level.
- Wednesday 7th June, 3:30-5pm: ONLINE SESSION
- Wednesday 14th June 1:30-4:30pm: FACE-TO-FACE Training afternoon at the Emotion Works Classroom in Edinburgh (limited to 2 places per school)
- In your own time: Watch the online Training for School Leads Recording at a time to suit you (available after 7th June)
2. Implementation Guide for School Leads
3. Getting Set-up, Prepared and Started checklist for Teachers
4. Access to our Primary School Advisor and Practice Support Service during the Summer Term
School Leads can access the above membership support throughout the Summer to get organised for their wider school roll-out next session.
Try our 'Ready Reckoner' below for a quick online quote
Note – For customers who have recently purchased one of our standard Trial, Basic, Premium, or Platinum Packages, please be reassured that the amount you paid for your membership duration & the resources you purchased have not changed overall. What is different about the Pick & Mix purchase model is the option for new schools to go for Digital Resources only or choose less hard copy resources regardless of the length of membership they take out.