Welcome to


The Emotion Works programme and organisation is a longstanding resource in Scottish Education supporting schools, nurseries and specialist services to deliver high quality and impactful Social Emotional Learning for all.

Over recent years our delivery approach has evolved into an online support and membership service which means means we are now able to support and welcome new customers from across the UK.

Creator and Founder

Claire Murray

Claire Murray is the creator of the Emotion Works programme and founder of Emotion Works as a Community Interest Company (CIC).

She is an experienced teacher, curriculum designer and educational consultant with a strong academic background in psychology and education. As well as her obvious passion and commitment to developing and sharing best practice in emotional education, Claire is becoming increasingly involved in service level decision-making that contributes to ‘closing the gap’ and ‘getting it right for every child’.

Claire’s current role involves a mix of development work, training, accreditation and consultancy work as well as overseeing the everyday operational aspects of Emotion Works and staff management.

Watch our ‘About Us’ video to meet Claire, see Emotion Works in action and preview the range of resources, training and online support we provide across different educational contexts. Finally, hear some great Teacher and Head Teacher endorsements sharing the impacts Emotion Works is having on the learning, behaviour, attainment and wellbeing of pupils.

“I set up Emotion Works to share my work and expertise in emotional learning & literacy and to connect and work with other people and organisations on shared goals. I run Emotion Works as a social and community focused business where people, rather than profit, are our bottom line. The principles of ‘learning for all’ and ‘wellbeing for all’ underpin Emotion Works as a programme and also as an organisation, where we prioritise relationships, communication, personalisation and engagement as our keys to success.”

Claire Murray
Founder of Emotion Works CIC



Primary Schools
Nursery & Early Learning Settings
Special Schools & ASN Provisions
Educational Outreach Teams
Individual Practitioners
Educational Psychology Services
Local Authorities


For Primary Teachers & ASN Practitioners working with pupils at similar levels of learning, link to the Primary Launchpad to access your training and teaching content here:


For Early Years Practitioners and ASN staff working with pupils at similar levels of learning, link to the Early Learning Launchpad to access your training and teaching content here: 


For ASN Teachers & Practitioners working with pupils across all levels of learning, including a very early level, link to the ASN Launchpad for programme signposting here:

Welcome to


The Emotion Works programme and organisation is a longstanding resource in Scottish Education that has been supporting teachers and schools to promote children’s Mental Health and Emotional Wellbeing for over a decade.

The Emotion Works educational programme is ‘home grown’ in Scotland so is very well aligned to the Scottish Curriculum and related policies such as ‘Getting it Right for Every Child’ (GIRFEC). There is also a good overlap with current educational concerns such as the Covid Recovery agenda and cost of living crisis.

We love partnering with Scottish schools and services to work towards shared goals and for the 2024 session we’re hoping to establish more partnerships at Local Authority level, so if you’re in a strategic role relating to Mental Health & Emotional Wellbeing then please get in touch to discuss possibilities.

The programme was originally developed ‘by teachers for teachers’ and has continuously evolved through a unique process of piloting, collaboration and refinement into the highly practical, flexible and inclusive approach that it is today.

by Claire Murray, creator of the Emotion Works Programme and founder of Emotion Works CIC

Emotion Works helps teachers and schools deliver emotional education to support and promote children’s Mental Health and Emotional Wellbeing. The Emotion Works programme and organisation is a long-standing resource in Scottish Education, designed and delivered ‘by teachers for teachers’ with an excellent reputation for providing practical and engaging learning resources within a flexible and inclusive approach.

As a Community Interest Company we allocate a proportion of our time and resources each year into projects that can make a difference to the emotional wellbeing of children and young people through Social Emotional Learning experiences (SEL). 

Our main learning programme, the Emotion Works Cog Curriculum, is set within a wider framework that highlights the importance of positive relationships for learning and wellbeing.

This resource pack has been developed for Primary Class Teachers to support the work you may already have planned for #Mental HealthAwarenessWeek2023 on the theme of ‘Anxiety’, or for another time when some ready-made wellbeing activities & resources would be useful.   

On a day to day basis, Claire shares the office with administrator, Catriona and legal/corporate associate, Andrea with regular visits and contact with our training co-ordinator Loreen, illustrator Diane, marketing associate Sally, social business advisor Jackie, and print supplier Ed.

Next door to the office is our training classroom where we run our Edinburgh training sessions and train-the-trainer days.

Our growing team of trainers are spread across Scotland and the North East of England. All of our trainers are experienced educators within primary, nursery and secondary sectors and many have specialist expertise in areas including nurture, learning disability, autism and communication support. Most of our trainers work for us in a freelance capacity, but some have line management support and allocated time to deliver Emotion Works training as part of their employed role within a school or specialist local authority post.

Emotion Works Team

OUR Team

communication is key



Over the past few years we have been developing an online membership service. This added layer of support, which includes online training, digital resources and practice examples, has been extremely valuable in helping people to build capacity in using the approach and has also helped us to establish a very enthusiastic and supportive online community.


Emotion Works is ‘home grown’ in Scotland so is very well aligned to the Scottish Curriculum and related policies such as ‘Getting it Right for Every Child’ (GIRFEC) and the Scottish Attainment Challenge. There is a strong overlap with other agendas and initiatives concerned with learning and wellbeing such as the inclusion agenda and the ACEs awareness movement.


As an organisation, Emotion Works operates as a social enterprise with a growing reputation for providing high quality goods and services in cost-effective and creative ways. The community-building side of our work is something that is growing and evolving naturally as we meet and connect with others with an interest in working towards emotional education and wellbeing for all.

We have lots to share about

Our Impact

‘Mental and Emotional Health and Wellbeing’ has been a core curriculum subject within Scottish Education’s ‘Curriculum for Excellence’ for over a decade now.

Over the same period of time, the Emotion Works resources and training packages have been researched and designed, piloted and refined to provide Scotland with a comprehensive programme that helps teachers and practitioners deliver learning experiences for emotional wellbeing that are tailored to their role as educators.

Our approach is now being used in schools and nurseries in almost every local authority in Scotland, along with a growing number of settings across the rest of the UK and beyond.
We’re working hard as a small organisation to share our programme more widely, which is greatly helped by the ‘word-of-mouth’ practitioner endorsements.
More formal feedback from our customers tells us that there are very high levels of satisfaction with the resources, training and membership support they receive. Teachers and practitioners tell us that they feel better equipped, more confident and more effective at teaching emotional literacy, and also when supporting pupils with additional support needs.
As part of our capacity building approach we have had the pleasure of attending a number of school showcases where impressive learning and family involvement is evident. Also, as part of our accreditation process we often hear reassuring reports about how our programme helps teachers and pupils in quite dramatic change around ways.
"Emotion Works has developed a programme that is flexible and adaptable. It can fit around the needs of each setting from a wee rural school to a large city establishment. No matter where each child lives Emotion Works is there to support each child to become a Confident Individual and a Successful Learner.”
Principal Teacher
North Lanarkshire

“A year ago I took to a Facebook forum page (Scottish ASN and Nurture Teachers) to find help on how to support a troubled little soul in my P3 class. I had been working very hard with him on ways to manage his emotions and difficult situations, which were arising daily. The health and well-being programme in the school just wasn’t enough. I felt like I was failing him and the other pupils in my class, and I felt stuck….”

“A lot of the members on the Facebook page provided supportive messages, ideas and quite a few mentioned Emotion Works. I had never heard of Emotion Works and began to do my own personal research into the programme. During this research I realised this was exactly what I was looking for; something visual, clear and simple for children to understand. I started to implement aspects of the programme into my daily teachings when I won a competition for a year’s membership to Emotion Works and gained access to the website. I watched all the training videos and looked at all the examples of work. I thought to myself –  finally, something that I can use to really home in on understanding the various aspects of emotions at the right levels for all my learners. 

I attended a Saturday morning training event which I used to deepen my knowledge and understanding of the programme and discussed ways in which I could take it forward with my target pupil, class and wider school. A few months later, I attended another training event to feedback how I had implemented Emotion Works, shared some success stories and explained how I planned to take it forward.

Roll on a year and our whole school staff have now been trained in Emotion Works, we have an Emotion Works committee group, I have ran two parent information sessions which were very well received, I have my practitioner accreditation and that little troubled soul from the year before is now talking about his emotions, sharing his own ideas and strategies with other children and understands that discussing our emotions with people around us is a healthy and helpful thing to do. “

things you should know

Our Growing Community

In addition to our core team and contractors, Emotion Works is becoming increasingly known and established as a co-ordinated and joined up community of practitioners, education providers and other interested parties with an interest in sharing best practice in education for emotional learning and wellbeing.

Another recent development which links with our partnership approach to building capacity in local areas is the setting up of 3 new classroom/training rooms in host schools in Glasgow, Fife and West Lothian. The local classroom hubs are spaces for our local trainers to deliver after-school twilights, to host visits from visiting colleagues or for us to run information sessions from and spread the word about our work.

Our accreditation pathways are for practitioners and mentors as well as trainers, which means we have a degree of quality control in ensuring that the Emotion Works vision is being meaningfully shared and supported locally in almost all of the Local Authorities in Scotland. We are also now developing an accreditation process for schools and nurseries thanks to a number of local champions working with us to embed best practice across their settings.

Thanks to our website membership platform and exclusive Facebook practitioner support group, our online community has become an important source of networking and idea-sharing amongst Emotion Works practitioners and supporters in Scotland. Establishing web based information and support has also meant that we are able to reach a wider audience and Emotion Works is now being used in schools and educational settings in other parts of the UK as well as Canada, USA, Australia, New Zealand, Europe and Nigeria.

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