Emotion Works helps teachers and schools deliver emotional education to support and promote children’s Mental Health and Emotional Wellbeing.
The Emotion Works programme and organisation is a long-standing resource in Scottish Education, designed and delivered ‘by teachers for teachers’ with an excellent reputation for providing practical and engaging resources within a flexible and inclusive approach.
Over the course of this important Recovery year we’re focusing on developing and sharing programme content that helps teachers, support staff and ASN/nurture practitioners overlap the teaching of oracy and literacy skills with the teaching of emotional language, literacy and wellbeing.
The Emotion Works Literacy Programme provides 6 months access to online training, practice ideas and teaching resources for literacy teaching spanning vocabulary development, listening & talking, and reading & writing skills using a wide range of learning activities that support children’s Mental Health and Emotional Wellbeing. Our latest addition to the programme is an Acrostic Poetry resource to help teach the different aspects of emotion represented by each of our Emotion Works ‘cogs’.
Sunday 10th October is World Mental Health Day, and Friday 8th is #HelloYellow day organised by the mental health charity Young Minds .
To support schools with their Mental Health Awareness work over the course of this week and next, we’re very happy to share the Blue Cog section of our Acrostic Poetry resource to help all teachers and schools engage with the subject of Emotion Regulation and talk about different ways to manage difficult emotions.
Emotion Works schools can incorporate this activity into Block 2 (Blue Cog work) or Block 3 (Uncomfortable Emotions) of the Literacy Programme.
Non-Emotion Works schools and practitioners can use the TALKING HELPS poem, blank worksheet and ideas provided for stand-alone literacy lessons that fit in with the messages promoted in your mental health and emotional wellbeing focus days or general MEHWB curriculum.